Due to my diminished access to human contact, I've focused more of my energy in the last few weeks on becoming comfortable with small-scale frontal portraiture again, something I used to be really invested in in high school. There isn't a particularly prominent single drive towards doing this except that I have always shied away from the learning process here because of how time-consuming and difficult it is to become proficient in drawing faces from imagination. I've been working on mini-portraits from a mixture of reference and imagination, with the hope that combining the two will speed up the process of being able to remove my guides and draw figures generatively.
A Wednesday Poem (For A Young Man In Need Of Color) Following my eyes I keep leading myself to intersections: A rich oasis nestled in the hollow between scrub-mowed corn fields A stream running below a shallow arc in the road A flat horizon pulled taught across an expanse of deep clay suspended within the body of this lake a mustard invitation to the promise of green a red crescent drawn below the eye of a fish out of water… Color found at the edges of things
Rachel, I would love to see more of these portraits...